Our Goal: Safety First
In the event of inclement weather, the Club will make a determination on the weather and field status by 3pm the day of training. Email communication alerts will be sent to all the families and coaches.
Will be done prior to the practice or game start or on-site during a practice or game based on the weather pattern. Practice & Games may also be cancelled due to heavy rain or wet field conditions and the fields are deemed unsafe to play. This may be a result from the previous night's weather.
Our staff at ZYSA closely monitors the weather radar for rain, thunder, lightning and severe approaching storms. Decisions about cancelling are made based on potential danger to the kids.
Listen for the Horn or PA Announcement
We will sound an air horn siren to alert everybody on the field as well as offer direction over the PA sound system.
If severe weather hits during the practice or game, all are to immediately evacuate the fields and seek shelter in their vehicles (NOT the Shelter area).
The shelter area by the restroom and concessions is NOT a safe place or gathering area.
Parents, if possible, please remain on the facility if severe weather may be approaching so your child has a vehicle to seek shelter.
ZYSA's Jr and Sr Travel teams do train outdoors during the Winter months. Be aware of both the air temperatures along with the wind chill. Training under cold conditions requires proper attire--layering, gloves, hats, long pants, and jackets. Please ensure that your child is properly attired for the possible Winter training conditions. However, sometimes training may be canceled when the local air temperature or wind chill falls below the following:
In the event that the air temperature rises to or above 90°F the following guidelines will take effect.
* Air temperature or Heat Index at game time